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Showing posts from December, 2022

The repetition called life

Life is a strange thing. It's like a continuous cycle—a repetition of moments in time, one after another. The cycles of birth, death, and rebirth and the miracle of life that perpetuates it are the greatest gifts we are given. We often get so engulfed in the mundane mundanity of daily life that we forget the majesty of the universe. We forget the power that it holds, the infinite possibilities that lay before us, and even the awareness that we are all connected. Life is made up of moments, both large and small. Each one of us has something to contribute, no matter how small, that can affect the whole. From a simple smile or hug, to an invitation to dinner or solving a complex problem, our actions can have ripple effects that extend far beyond our immediate circles. The repetition of life can both comfort us and challenge us. It’s a reminder that we are part of something much larger, a never-ending cycle of energy and possibility. When we accept this, we can use our lives to cr